Website features
Below are some of the web design features that Kalista design can offer. Please view our Web Design Portfolio for examples of completed websites.
Photography and use of stock images
Kalista design offer a professional photography service. We also recommend the use of well placed stock photography within a webpage.
Web Site Statistics
Every site that we design has statistics enabled. We believe that if you are to make the most of your website, you need to know who is looking at your site.
Email Addresses – [email protected]
We can set up email addresses for you based on your domain name. Having an email address at your domain helps to reinforce your brand in the heads of customers, as well as giving a professional edge over the use of a hotmail or gmail email account. We can help you to integrate these mailboxes into your current email provider so you can continue to check your emails from the same login.
Web Site Photo Gallery
A photo gallery can be an excellent way to tell people what you are all about. If you want to show off your products then a picture gallery can be an effective way of displaying multiple items. Online photo galleries offer exposure to a wide public at a fraction of the cost of traditional print services.

Contact Forms
Let your potential customers get in contact with you. Having a simple form on your website can allow your customers to ask you questions,or request more information without having to pick up the phone. Contact forms can send any manner of information straight into your email inbox.
There is little point having a website if people cannot find you. Every website that we design will have a number of features that will help it’s performance in search engines.
Cross Browser Compatability
When you have a website designed for you, it is important that as many people as possible are able to view it. The websites that we design will display on all of the major browsers.
HTML Email and Mailing Lists
HTML email and mailing lists are a cost effective way to keep in contact with your customers, potential customers, and drive traffic to your website. We can help you with newsletters, alerts and special offer emails.